MWA Podcast - Woodworking Conversations
The Modern Woodworkers Association Podcast brings to you in-depth interviews with woodworkers of note in our community - from outstanding hobbyists to award winning, international woodworkers. We also bring to you a bit of woodworking news and other items of note. And we wrap things up with our fortnightly beer recommendations. Whether you are a hand-tool, powertool, or hybrid woodworker, we think you will find something of interest in every episode.
MWA Podcast - Woodworking Conversations
MWA515 - Melbourne Tool Co. (Hague & Vic)
Hague Haswell and Vic Tesolin joins us on this episode to talk about the new hand tools being offered by Melbourne Tool Co. MTC is a new hand tool company out of Australia producing tools that are simple, accurate and accessible to all people who are passionate about woodworking. Joins us for an entertaining and informative conversation that might call out to your inner tool nerd. Check it out!
Hague Haswell
- melbournetool.com
- @melbournetoolcompany on Instagram
- Melbourne Tool Company on YouTube
Vic Tesolin
- victesolinwoodworks.com
- @vic_tesolin_woodworks on Instagram
- Vic Tesolin Woodworks on YouTube
Texas Woodworking Festival - Tickets on Sale
MWA Podcast - Patreon Page
@mwa_podcast on Instagram
Hosts' Contact Info:
Kyle Barton
- @barton.kyle & @bbcustomtools on Instagram
- bbcustomtools.com
- On Youtube under BB Custom Tools & Kyle Barton
Sean Wisniewski
- @Seanw78 on most social media
Mark Hicks
- jointeffort.net
- Jointeffort.net/mwa
- @markbuildsit on Instagram
- On Youtube under Plate 11 / Joint Effort
Brian Obst
- @obstwoodworks on Instagram