MWA Podcast - Woodworking Conversations
The Modern Woodworkers Association Podcast brings to you in-depth interviews with woodworkers of note in our community - from outstanding hobbyists to award winning, international woodworkers. We also bring to you a bit of woodworking news and other items of note. And we wrap things up with our fortnightly beer recommendations. Whether you are a hand-tool, powertool, or hybrid woodworker, we think you will find something of interest in every episode.
MWA Podcast - Woodworking Conversations
MWA435 - James Mursell Interview
James Mursell of The Windsor Workshop joins on this episode. James is a prolific chairmaker, instructor and toolmaker. He combines both American and English chair aesthetics into some outstanding Windsor Chairs designs. He is also known for his chairmaking tools, and steam bending techniques. Check it out!
Water Guy UnfilteredOriginally these episodes were recorded for our one-hour weekly radio show, airing...
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